The original Captain Tsubasa manga series was adapted into a TV animation series, produced by Tsuchida Production, whose first season premiered in Japan on the TV Tokyo network between Octoand March 27, 1986. Captain Tsubasa and its sequels have sold over 80 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling manga series. The Captain Tsubasa manga series was originally serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump comic book magazine between 19, spanning a total of 37 tankōbon volumes. Takahashi decided to create Captain Tsubasa inspired by 1978 FIFA World Cup in Argentina. Across the multiple Captain Tsubasa mangas, the plot shows Tsubasa’s and his friends’ growth as they face new rivals. The plot focuses on Tsubasa’s relationship with his friends, rivalry with his opponents, training, competition and the action and outcome of each football match. The series is characterized by dynamic and exciting football moves, often stylish and implausible.
The series mainly revolves around the sport of association football focusing on Tsubasa Oozora. World CupĬaptain Tsubasa (Japanese: キャプテン翼Hepburn: Kyaputen Tsubasa) is a Japanese manga series, originally created by Yōichi Takahashi in 1981. First edition cover in a Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump comic book magazine 1981.Ĭaptain Tsubasa: Sekai Daikessen!! Jr.